Adobe Sign
As businesses grow and transform, moving away from paper-based processes and towards remote interactions and digital workflows, signatures can become a disruptive, though necessary, task. With Adobe Sign, company operations can achieve a new level of efficiency.
How can Adobe Sign and Laputa help you?
✓ Stay Secure Digitally
From your customers to your own employees, protecting your signature is of the upmost importance.
Adobe Sign is certified by the world’s most rigorous security standards, such as ISO27001, SOC 2 Type 2, and PCI DSS, the last of which is used in the card payment industry.
✓ Compliant with Regulation
Adobe Sign also complies with a wide range of privacy regulations, including HIPAA, GLBA, and FERPA in the US.
✓ Flexibility with Other Software
Adobe Sign lets you build templates and request signatures on a wide range of document types. These types include:
- PDF and Adobe PDF
- Microsoft Word , Excel and Powerpoint
- ​Rich Text and Text
- Graphics
- Web
✓ Legally Binding
E-signatures are legally valid and enforceable in almost every industrialized country in the world.
E-signatures speed up every transaction and process by having recipients bypass the manual “print, sign, scan” process.
✓ Incredible Efficiency
✓ Extremely Cost-Effective
E-signatures help reduce spending on paper, ink, and postage, saving on large costs in the long run.